425 N Cherry Street
Winston Salem, NC 27101
We have a block of rooms reserved at this location with a group rate.
(336) 725-3500 to book by phone. Please mention McCullough-Shugoll wedding.
Book our group rate by clicking here. Available until may 5th.
Parking for Ceremony
St. Leo the Great Catholic Church, 335 Springdale Avenue, Winston Salem, NC
Please park in the lot in front of the parish school or in the lots next to and behind the church and school. The lots are highlighted on the map below.
Parking for Reception
Things to Do and Places to Shop
Old Salem
Reynolda House Museum of American Art
Reynolda Gardens
BB&T Ballpark
Southeastern Center for Contemporary Arts
Famous Toastery
710 Liberty View Ct, Winston Salem, 27101
Burger Batch
237 W 5th St, Winston-Salem, NC 27101